Wondering how you can get involved with the Museum as a volunteer? This may help you decide….

volunteer-featureVolunteer Position: Museum Host
Time Commitment: Three Hours a week May – September
The Museum Host is the first person a visitor meets when entering the Museum at the King Farmhouse. If you like to meet Island visitors, answer general questions, hand out the self-guided tour brochures and collect the museum fees, this opportunity may be to your liking. Some of our volunteers have been serving as hosts for decades, and claim this is the best volunteer job in town.

picnicVolunteer Position: Special Events
Time Commitment: Day of the Event
Volunteers are needed to set up and take down exhibits, serve as a master of ceremonies, staff the Historical Museum informational booth, recruit donations, garner new members, get the word out about an event, or serve on an organizing committee.  Your level of involvement is up to you.

Volunteer Position: Archival/Clerical
Time Commitment: Two to Six Hours a Week, Year Round
Fred_Vikky_Crook_ExhibitThere is so much to be done!  Organizing collections, researching history, scanning old photos into digitalized records, updating information, answering inquiries regarding the Island and its people.  The Museum is constantly beginning work on new exhibits and methods to tell the story of the Island.  How much time would you like to give, and what interests you?  We guarantee we have a project that needs your help.

Volunteer Position: Fundraising and Marketing
Time Commitment: Eight to Twelve Hours a Month
The Museum’s newly formed Communications Committee is tasked with maintaining the presence of the San Juan Historical Museum on the internet, and social media platforms that will raise the awareness of the work of the Museum.  We need photographers, videographers, writers, designers and innovators!

Volunteer-ConstructionVolunteer Position: Construction & Maintenance
Time Commitment: As Needed, Year Round
Mowing the lawn, pulling weeds, rebuilding a fence, or construction assistance to a restoration specialist on the buildings – as the representative of the Island people and its history, the San Juan Historical Museum needs to sparkle and shine.